Different Ways to Recycle old T-shirts

No matter how old or worn out your shirt is, there still different ways to reinvent it. Recycling T-shirt is a hobby that could give you so many ideas. I was amazed when I searched the internet about T-shirt recycling or up cycling. There's so much ideas that you can use to recycle old t- shirts. I tried to make my own T-shirt recycling ideas ang this is what I'm gonna share to you my dear readers.
A T-shirt is usually made of cotton, a durable fabric that you can reuse even after it's worn out. I only picked some easy ways to recycle a shirt so I could make this post fast and simple.  I cut my old shirt to 1/2 inch thick and those strands lead me to make different recycled crafts like what you see on the picture.
different ways to upcycle,recycle and reinvent t-shiry
  • Cord- the strands can be used as cords of different purposes. Sometimes we need a cord to tie something like packages, a cord to replace a duster's straps or a cord of mosquito net. Just roll the straps and keep for future purposes.
  • Braided jumping rope- make your own jumping rope to lose weight or to be played by your kids. The cotton fabric is heavy when braided so its perfect to jump on it.
  • Braided Belt- braid shirt strands to fours. Braided T-shirt strands is best to make a belt. You can match it with your pants or dresses. It can also be a kid's fashionable belt.
  • Tied net- tie the strands together one by one and make your own basketball ring's net. Tying is very easy just look at the image to catch the idea. Tied shirt cords can also be made a swim suit tops or a simple head band. It's definitely no stitching needed.
  • A yarn for crochet- you can also make yarns from the strands you made. An ideal thickness to make a yarn for crochet is 1/3 inches. From these shirt yarns you can crochet rugs, hair bands, purses, bags and floor mats. You can also make bonnets out of shirt strands.
  • Bolero (blazers)-the leftover shirt top can be kept to be your blazer or bolero in tagalog. This can be your sleeveless tops to keep your arm flesh from exposure.  

  • Aother way to reinvent and to recycle T-shirt is to weave the strands. From weaving, you can make bags, doormats, vase mats, pot holders, pouches and purses. The idea of recycling old shirts is not limited as long as your heart is engaged into recycling. Always remember that waste materials can be reinvented just reduce, reuse and recycle.